Minority, veteran, immigrant, LGBTQ and female owned small businesses in Massachusetts can get free financial help, coaching, and other support. Find where to get financial assistance (grants or loans) in MA as well as how to apply near you. There are funds from charities, corporations, non-profits, as well as the state of Massachusetts and federal government.
Any small business, startup company, entrepreneur, or sole-proprietor can apply. Many of the small business grants give priority to Black women or Asian owned businesses in MA. However, each of the lenders, and their programs, will be allocated some of the funds to disadvantaged businesses. This may be a Black owned company in Massachusetts or a Latino business. Free grants may also be for LGBTQ companies, veterans, the disabled, and other minority (or disadvantaged) businesses.
Any funds will often be combined with other assistance. As the lender or small business grant programs in Massachusetts often give clients free business advice, such as coaching, marketing assistance, website development, counseling and more.
Small business loans or free grants for females or minorities in Massachusetts
The list of resources below is updated daily with assistance programs for MWBE and BIPOC owned businesses (black, Indigenous and people of color). While most of the grants and low cost loans for minority or female businesses are for businesses located in the major cities such as Boston, Cambridge, or Springfield, assistance is offered statewide as well.
July and August 2024
Boston Creator Incubator and Accelerator will help businesses owned by people of color with financial and other needs. The program was created by, among others, Jrue Holiday and Lauren Holiday. In addition to information on free grants, there is coaching, IT help, career counseling and many other services for businesses in Boston and MA. Apply for for Boston Change. https://bxchange.org/apply/
Non-profits organizations in Springfield MA that have a mission of helping low-income women can apply for grants from the O’Dell Women’s Center. Applicants to the grant program need to be non-profits and also focused on causes dire to women – in particular those with a low income. Apply here. https://odellwomenscenter.com/grants
Minority and women-owned businesses in the Springfield MA area can get micro grants from the Latino Economic Development Corporation. In total up to $500,000 can be provided. The money will go to pay a wide range of businesses expenses for small, disadvantaged businesses in the region. Learn more about the non-profit here. https://latinoeconomicdevelopment.org/
March and April 2024
Chelsea Food Business Grant Program is available for the city only. Federal funds from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Community Funding Allocation are used to help food oriented businesses, including those owned by people of color, get a free grant. To learn more or apply, dial 617-466-4209 or 311
Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts, or WFWM, is providing up to $10,000 grants to non-profits that focus on helping women with issues such as economic security, business training, development, health development, counseling and more. Non-profits in western MA that focus on these issues can apply here for funds. Learn more here on WFWM grants. https://www.mywomensfund.org/
November and December 2023
Boston Grant money, and a free Business Certification Application, is available. Funds and revenue opportunities are for minority-owned business (MBE), veterans (in partnership with US Department of Veteran Affairs) as well as small woman-owned businesses in Boston. There are also up to $15,000 grants for qualified businesses, and learn more here https://bostonopendata.knack.com/vendor-cert#menu3/
Pittsfield small business, with a focus on minority and women owned, can get free grant money from Pittsfield Economic Revitalization Corporation, the America Rescue Plan Act. and Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. The organizations offer financial assistance to help businesses grow and recover from the recent hardship in the country. Read more on the The Pittsfield Glow Up! Business Improvement Grant Program here https://downtownpittsfield.com/2023/11/pittsfield-glow-up-business-improvement-grants/
January 2023 and February 2023
National Grid is providing $1,000 grants to help small businesses pay utility bills. The money, and applications, are in partnership with with Retailers Association of Massachusetts, Black Economic Council of Massachusetts, Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Massachusetts Restaurant Association. The financial assistance program is part of the Winter Customer Savings Initiative, with free grants for small businesses, energy conservation and more. Get details here. https://www.nationalgridus.com/MA-Gas-Home/heretohelp
Town of Hopkinton Economic Recovery Support Grant is a program that is providing $5,000 to each qualified business in the city. The funds are for small businesses to help them recover from the COVID pandemic. The grant money can be used to help with operating expenses, such as rent, utilities, inventory, payroll and other small business costs. A portion of the grants will be allocated to women, minority, veteran and businesses owned by a person with a disability. Applications are here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BnlGASrGD9UpyImi-EnQ1v1eJetYlcBq/view
November and December 2022
Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club (WHJWC) has grant money for women-owned businesses, those owned by disabled people or seniors. Other disadvantaged people can apply as well, including those owned by people of color. Funds are for non-profit or for profit businesses that help others…include social causes, green companies and others. The League will focus on giving free grants to those that give back. Register or apply here. https://whjwc.org/community-impact/grants/
July and August 2022
Non-profits in the Berkshire area of Massachusetts, including non-profits owned by women, minorities, LGTBQ+, veterans or Asians among others can apply for free grants from the Lee Bank Foundation. The lender has an annual grant program to help non-profits with a social or economic cause. The funds can go to non-profits in the fields of Education, economic growth, arts or culture, food security, mentoring or human services and similar agencies. Up to $25,000 may be offered to each non-profits. Apply here. https://leebank.communityspark.co/external/donation/requests/grant-application/new
June 2022
New Bedford Small Businesses, and “artists” (a program known as NB100), can apply for a couple different grant programs. The New Bedford Economic Development Council is providing the funds, with the city, and the council is processing applications. Up to $10,000 will be provided to each qualified applicant, with over $3 million in total being available. A major focus is on businesses owned by MWBE as well as veterans, and artists including LGTBQ+. Learn more on the grants and council here. https://nbedc.org/
April and May 2022
Worcester area businesses can apply for interest free, or low cost loans, from the North Central Massachusetts Development Corp. The money is for existing businesses, and each company (including veteran, those owned by people of color or women) needs to have been operating for a year or more. The goal is to ensure small businesses in the area have the funds they need to grow and create jobs. Continue reading. https://www.northcentralmass.com/affilates/north-central-massachusetts-development-corporation/
Gardner is providing grants as well as low cost loans to businesses that were hit hard by the pandemic, such as restaurants, serve companies, bars, hotels and the like. Either $25,000 or $30,000 is given to businesses with 75 employees or less, and the financial aid is in the form of a grant. Businesses in the city that went to improve their property, such as new signage, can get low cost and/or interest free loans. Apply at the Economic Development Office, and get more details here. https://www.gardner-ma.gov/468/Economic-Development
March 2022
Beverley Massachusetts businesses can receive up to $50,000 (in the form of a free grant). The money is part of the federal government American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The business needs to be independently owned and operates, have under 50 employees, or have been negatively impacted by COVID pandemic. A focus is on leisure, hospitality, and service companies, including BIPOC and MWBE. Read more. https://www.beverlyma.gov/846/American-Rescue-Plan-Act-ARPA
Veteran, minority, and women owned businesses can apply for free government grants from the state of Massachusetts. Up to $75 million will be provided throughout the state using American Rescue Plan funds. The funds are for small businesses with under $2.5 million in revenue and less than 40 employees (among other criteria). The financial help from the government and intended to help those MWBE underserved businesses, and learn more on the grants here. https://www.empoweringsmallbusiness.org/
January 2022
City of Taunton’s Small Business STEP UP grant program is for local companies in the city, with many MWBE businesses assisted. The Office of Economic and Community Development is focusing the assistance on small technology companies with under 10 employees. There is also help with developing social media campaigns, setting up websites and ecommerce operations as well as other support. Call the Office of Economic and Community Development at 508-821-1030 for details.
November and December 2021
MM Catalyst Fund from Mass Mutual is providing funds to black owned businesses located in Boston. The company needs to be operating and of a certain scale. Approved companies may be given hundreds of thousands of dollars. Early state and start-up companies can apply, but the criteria are stricter. Find details here on the financial aid program. https://www.massmutual.com/lp/catalyst
July and August 2021
The City of Worcester offers the small business grant program. The financial aid is in effect a forgivable loan, with some funds focused on minority, women, and immigrant owned companies. The funds are for businesses that (1) locate or (2) expand in the city of Worcester. The free government grants can help pay for furniture, relocating, opening an office, construction as well as other costs. Learn more. http://www.worcesterma.gov/business-community-development/financial-assistance/small-business-grant-program
April and May 2021
Up to $15,000 grants are being offered as part of the Boston Contracting Opportunity Fund. The goal is to help minority and disadvantaged businesses (veterans, LGBTQ, veteran, Black, Latino, women, etc.) get the support they need so they can handle government work. The capital can help them with equipment, operating expenses, inventory, salaries and other up front bills so a minority or women owned company can bid on state, city of Boston, or County work. Read more. https://www.boston.gov/departments/economic-development/boston-contracting-opportunity-fund
March and April 2021
The City of Pittsfield is using CARES funds to pay for free grants for small businesses. It is part of COVID assistance programs to help the small businesses, including female and minority owned, get back on track. Or to “keep their doors” open. Another focus is on low income business owners or those in the city. Grants can also help microenterprises as well, and that being very small companies. Learn more: https://cityofpittsfield.org/covid-19_small_business_recovery_second_round_grants/index.php
February and March 2021
Small Black Owned Businesses (under 25 employees) can apply for grants from the Vistaprint, NAACP and the Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation. Not only will financial help be offered, but their is free marketing, design help, accounting and other support services. The assistance is part of the Power Forward Small Business Grant Program. Funds are offered in both Massachusetts, in the city of Boston, as well as across New England. Apply here: https://app.helloalice.com/communities/naacp/applications/power-forward-small-business-grant?modal=true
Non-profits that give back to the community, and that are located in the counties of Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, or Hampshire counties, can apply for grants from the Women’s Fund. The applicants need to have a focus on helping women and/or children in the region, and as noted the applicant needs to also be a non-profit organization. Get more information here. https://www.mywomensfund.org/
Round 2 of PPP loans are available. This is a federal government, and state of Massachusetts, financial assistance programs for small to mid-sized businesses that have been impacted by the COVID pandemic. The loans (which may be forgiven) can pay for payroll, rent, inventory, safety equipment, and other expenses. Learn more on the program here. https://www.mass.gov/info-details/small-business-advisory-paycheck-protection-program
January 2021
Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation is issuing more financial relief from the COVID-19 Small Business Grant Program. The goal is to help businesses impacted by the COVID pandemic. Working with local banks, community lenders, and charities, funds assist minority, Asian, women, veteran and disadvantaged businesses (as a priority). Mass Growth Capital also gives other support, such as microloans, diversity services, technical grants and other programs. Read more. https://www.empoweringsmallbusiness.org/
November 2020
The City of Boston is paying out over $6 million in grant funds to small businesses that have been impacted by COVID. The money is going to help businesses pay their rent and there are also free grants for restaurants. In addition, some of the funds will also go to immigrant, minority, and women owned businesses that operate in the city. There are also webinars, counseling, business development workshops as well as other financial assistance programs. Apply here. https://www.boston.gov/news/new-covid-19-relief-funds-available-small-businesses
September – October 2020
Massachusetts Conference for Women and the Massachusetts Restaurant Association as well as Flour Bakery + Cafe are helping 50 minority and female owned restaurants, cafes, bars, and food establishments in Massachusetts. Each of the 50 food businesses can get up to $5000. the Association is processing applications. Learn more. https://www.themassrest.org/
Any small to mid sized business in the state can apply for grants of up to $10,000 from the Massachusetts Growth Capital Cooperation. The funds will assist the disabled, Black, Latino, Minority owned small businesses as well as women or veterans. The LBGTQ+ community in Massachusetts is also given priority. Free government grants can pay for inventory, rent, mortgages, inventory, and other costs. Or use the MGCC grants for working capital. Apply here. https://massgcc.submittable.com/submit
Very small business owners in Essex County as well as the city of Manchester can get financial help from CARES program grants. The free government assistance program will help startups as well as small businesses with 4 or fewer employees. Priority is for Black, Latino, Female, as well as minority owned companies. Various bills and operating expenses can be paid. Dial 617.523.6262 for details or applications.
By Jon McNamara